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Affin Islamic Bank Berhad

A full-fledged Islamic bank dedicated to offering shariah compliant financial products and services.


​​​ AFFIN ISLAMIC, Always about You

Affin Islamic Bank Berhad (AFFIN ISLAMIC) a wholly-owned subsidiary of Affin Bank Berhad (AFFIN BANK) was incorporated on 13 September 2005 and officially operates as a standalone Islamic bank with effect from 1 April 2006.
As a full-fledged Islamic bank, AFFIN ISLAMIC offers a complete range of Islamic Banking products and services to Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Institutional, Retail and Corporate customers.

AFFIN ISLAMIC has been at the forefront of introducing innovative and Shariah compliant products which adopts variety of Shariah concepts ranging from Musharakah Mutanaqisah, Mudarabah, Istisna, Ijarah, Murabahah and others.

The Bank’s products and services provides a clear demarcation between deposits, investment accounts and financing to best meet the need of retail and business enterprises.

The Bank together with five (5) other Islamic banks pioneered the Investment Account Platform (IAP) which is a platform to bridge funding requirements of businesses, mainly SMEs, with institution and retail investors. The IAP was officially launched by the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia on 17 February 2016 and aims to offer investment opportunities as another asset class locally and internationally. This represents a quantum leap in the Bank’s commitment to play a part in advancing Islamic banking within the local and international financial landscape.

In line with Malaysia’s Financial Sector Blueprint that aspires to transform the country into a global hub for Islamic Financial Services, AFFIN ISLAMIC will continuously conduct research and development into new financial products and services that are capable of competing in the global financial arena.