Software Licensing

Software Licensing is a service that licenses and manages enterprise-level software programs. Operating as a central point of purchase, Software Licensing can take advantage of volume license discounts and academic site licensing, providing cost savings for schools and departments.

Currently, WashU IT Software Licensing staff manage a range of software programs, from desktop applications to statistical programs, such as Adobe Acrobat, EndNote, Microsoft Office, MATLAB, SAS, SPSS, and STATA. Visit the Software Licensing Catalog for a complete list of available software programs.

Options for Obtaining Software

Please visit the Software Catalog in ServiceNow to view options provided through Software Licensing.

There are additional methods of acquiring software depending on your role in the university and the software you are looking for.

Please visit Options for Getting Software to see these additional options.

Requirements & Considerations

Software Licensing focuses on software that has broad university usage and is purchased more efficiently and cost-effectively from a central point. Software that is department-specific or a “one-off” is not eligible for inclusion in the Software Catalog.

Software Licensing does not track department purchases of licenses from outside vendors, including purchases for STATA, and perpetual licenses of Adobe and Microsoft products.

Features & Options

Software Licensing administers the supporting processes involved with frequently used campus software licenses, including:

Service Level Expectations (SLE)

The complete Service Level Expectation (SLE) document for the Software Licensing service can be found here: Software Licensing SLE (PDF).

Rates are published in the Software Catalog