Reference Books for IES (ECE)

Electronic Devices, Signals and Systems, Network Theory, Electromagnetic Waves, Electromagnetic Measurements, Control Systems and Microwave Engineering are some of the main topic headings included in the syllabus of IES (Indian Engineering Services) in Electronics and Communication Engineering. Students can refer books like Electronic Principles by Malvino, Signals and Systems by Douglas K. Lindner, Network Analysis by M.E. Van Valkenburg, and Control Systems Engineering by I.J.Nagrath, M. Gopal for exam preparation.

Books on Electronic Devices

Books on Signals and Systems

Books on Network Theory

Books on Electromagnetic Waves

Books on Electromagnetic Measurements and Instrumentation

Books on Control Systems

Books on Communication Systems

Books on Microwave Engineering

Other than books prescribed in B.Tech syllabus, one can refer e-books or other competition guides for exam preparation.