Court reporter for pacos county

Criminal Justice Center �
14250 49 th Street North,
Suite H 2000 ��
Clearwater, FL 33762 �

West Pasco County
Court Reporting
East Pasco County
Court Reporting

Ordering a Transcript

Instructions to order a Transcript of an Entire Proceeding

Complete the Requestor and Case Information sections.

� Check the �Transcript of Full Proceeding� box and specify the number of copies.

� Indicate the transcript completion time and send the completed form with deposit to the appropriate Court Reporting Office. Deposit is based on half of the estimated cost for the transcript. Please contact the Court Reporter office for the deposit amount. Payment shall be made by check or money order payable to: State of Florida.

� Someone on our staff will contact you when your request has been processed. Completed requests can be picked up at the Court Reporting Office upon receipt of the invoice balance.

Instructions to order a Partial Transcript of a Proceeding

Complete the Requestor and Case Information sections.

� Check the �Transcript of Partial Proceeding� box and specify the number of copies.

� Select the Trial Event. Choices include Voir Dire, Opening or Closing Arguments, Sentencing, and Testimony of Witness. If requesting the testimony of a witness, please indicate which witness( es ) on the line provided.

� Indicate the transcript completion time and send the completed form with deposit to the Court Reporting Office. Deposit is based on half of the estimated cost for the transcript. Please contact the Court Reporter office for the deposit amount. Payment shall be made by check or money order payable to: State of Florida.

� Someone on our staff will contact you when your request has been processed. Completed requests can be picked up at the Court Reporting Office upon receipt of the invoice balance.

General Information

� Proceedings exempt from public record shall not be transcribed or copied for release to the public absent specific court order.

� Parties, other than the State Attorney or Public Defender, requesting transcripts using public funds must produce an Order to Transcribe.

� Once a proceeding has been transcribed, subsequent requests for additional copies shall be referred to the Clerk of Circuit Court.