Public Act 102-0140 |
AN ACT concerning civil law. |
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, |
represented in the General Assembly: |
Section 5. The Health Care Surrogate Act is amended by |
changing Sections 10, 20, and 65 as follows: |
(755 ILCS 40/10) (from Ch. 110 1/2, par. 851-10) |
Sec. 10. Definitions. |
"Adult" means a person who is (i) 18 years of age or older |
or (ii) an emancipated minor under the Emancipation of Minors |
Act. |
"Artificial nutrition and hydration" means supplying food |
and water through a conduit, such as a tube or intravenous |
line, where the recipient is not required to chew or swallow |
voluntarily, including, but not limited to, nasogastric tubes, |
gastrostomies, jejunostomies, and intravenous infusions. |
Artificial nutrition and hydration does not include assisted |
feeding, such as spoon or bottle feeding. |
"Available" means that a person is not "unavailable". A |
person is unavailable if (i) the person's existence is not |
known, (ii) the person has not been able to be contacted by |
telephone or mail, or (iii) the person lacks decisional |
capacity, refuses to accept the office of surrogate, or is |
unwilling to respond in a manner that indicates a choice among |
the treatment matters at issue. |
"Attending physician" means the physician selected by or |
assigned to the patient who has primary responsibility for |
treatment and care of the patient and who is a licensed |
physician in Illinois. If more than one physician shares that |
responsibility, any of those physicians may act as the |
attending physician under this Act. |
"Close friend" means any person 18 years of age or older |
who has exhibited special care and concern for the patient and |
who presents an affidavit to the attending physician stating |
that he or she (i) is a close friend of the patient, (ii) is |
willing and able to become involved in the patient's health |
care, and (iii) has maintained such regular contact with the |
patient as to be familiar with the patient's activities, |
health, and religious and moral beliefs. The affidavit must |
also state facts and circumstances that demonstrate that |
familiarity. |
"Death" means when, according to accepted medical |
standards, there is (i) an irreversible cessation of |
circulatory and respiratory functions or (ii) an irreversible |
cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the |
brain stem. |
"Decisional capacity" means the ability to understand and |
appreciate the nature and consequences of a decision regarding |
medical treatment or forgoing life-sustaining treatment and |
the ability to reach and communicate an informed decision in |
the matter as determined by the attending physician. |
"Forgo life-sustaining treatment" means to withhold, |
withdraw, or terminate all or any portion of life-sustaining |
treatment with knowledge that the patient's death is likely to |
result. |
"Guardian" means a court appointed guardian of the person |
who serves as a representative of a minor or as a |
representative of a person under legal disability. |
"Health care facility" means a type of health care |
provider commonly known by a wide variety of titles, including |
but not limited to, hospitals, medical centers, nursing homes, |
rehabilitation centers, long term or tertiary care facilities, |
and other facilities established to administer health care and |
provide overnight stays in their ordinary course of business |
or practice. |
"Health care provider" means a person that is licensed, |
certified, or otherwise authorized or permitted by the law of |
this State to administer health care in the ordinary course of |
business or practice of a profession, including, but not |
limited to, physicians, nurses, health care facilities, and |
any employee, officer, director, agent, or person under |
contract with such a person. |
"Imminent" (as in "death is imminent") means a |
determination made by the attending physician according to |
accepted medical standards that death will occur in a |
relatively short period of time, even if life-sustaining |
treatment is initiated or continued. |
"Life-sustaining treatment" means any medical treatment, |
procedure, or intervention that, in the judgment of the |
attending physician, when applied to a patient with a |
qualifying condition, would not be effective to remove the |
qualifying condition or would serve only to prolong the dying |
process. Those procedures can include, but are not limited to, |
assisted ventilation, renal dialysis, surgical procedures, |
blood transfusions, and the administration of drugs, |
antibiotics, and artificial nutrition and hydration. |
"Minor" means an individual who is not an adult as defined |
in this Act. |
"Parent" means a person who is the natural or adoptive |
mother or father of the child and whose parental rights have |
not been terminated by a court of law. |
"Patient" means an adult or minor individual, unless |
otherwise specified, under the care or treatment of a licensed |
physician or other health care provider. |
"Person" means an individual, a corporation, a business |
trust, a trust, a partnership, an association, a government, a |
governmental subdivision or agency, or any other legal entity. |
"Qualifying condition" means the existence of one or more |
of the following conditions in a patient certified in writing |
in the patient's medical record by the attending physician and |
by at least one other qualified health care practitioner |
physician : |
(1) "Terminal condition" means an illness or injury |
for which there is no reasonable prospect of cure or |
recovery, death is imminent, and the application of |
life-sustaining treatment would only prolong the dying |
process. |
(2) "Permanent unconsciousness" means a condition |
that, to a high degree of medical certainty, (i) will last |
permanently, without improvement, (ii) in which thought, |
sensation, purposeful action, social interaction, and |
awareness of self and environment are absent, and (iii) |
for which initiating or continuing life-sustaining |
treatment, in light of the patient's medical condition, |
provides only minimal medical benefit. |
(3) "Incurable or irreversible condition" means an |
illness or injury (i) for which there is no reasonable |
prospect of cure or recovery, (ii) that ultimately will |
cause the patient's death even if life-sustaining |
treatment is initiated or continued, (iii) that imposes |
severe pain or otherwise imposes an inhumane burden on the |
patient, and (iv) for which initiating or continuing |
life-sustaining treatment, in light of the patient's |
medical condition, provides only minimal medical benefit. |
The determination that a patient has a qualifying |
condition creates no presumption regarding the application or |
non-application of life-sustaining treatment. It is only after |
a determination by the attending physician that the patient |
has a qualifying condition that the surrogate decision maker |
may consider whether or not to forgo life-sustaining |
treatment. In making this decision, the surrogate shall weigh |
the burdens on the patient of initiating or continuing |
life-sustaining treatment against the benefits of that |
treatment. |
"Qualified health care practitioner" means an individual |
who has personally examined the patient and who is an Illinois |
licensed physician, advanced practice registered nurse, |
physician assistant, or resident with at least one year of |
graduate or specialty training in this State who holds an |
Illinois temporary license to practice medicine and is |
enrolled in a residency program accredited by the Liaison |
Committee on Graduate Medical Education or the Bureau of |
Professional Education of the American Osteopathic |
Association. |
"Physician" means a physician licensed to practice |
medicine in all its branches in this State. |
"Qualified physician" means a physician licensed to |
practice medicine in all of its branches in Illinois who has |
personally examined the patient. |
"Surrogate decision maker" means an adult individual or |
individuals who (i) have decisional capacity, (ii) are |
available upon reasonable inquiry, (iii) are willing to make |
medical treatment decisions on behalf of a patient who lacks |
decisional capacity, and (iv) are identified by the attending |
physician in accordance with the provisions of this Act as the |
person or persons who are to make those decisions in |
accordance with the provisions of this Act. |
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.) |
(755 ILCS 40/20) (from Ch. 110 1/2, par. 851-20) |
Sec. 20. Private decision making process. |
(a) Decisions whether to forgo life-sustaining or any |
other form of medical treatment involving an adult patient |
with decisional capacity may be made by that adult patient. |
(b) Decisions whether to forgo life-sustaining treatment |
on behalf of a patient without decisional capacity are lawful, |
without resort to the courts or legal process, if the patient |
has a qualifying condition and if the decisions are made in |
accordance with one of the following paragraphs in this |
subsection and otherwise meet the requirements of this Act: |
(1) Decisions whether to forgo life-sustaining |
treatment on behalf of a minor or an adult patient who |
lacks decisional capacity may be made by a surrogate |
decision maker or makers in consultation with the |
attending physician, in the order or priority provided in |
Section 25. A surrogate decision maker shall make |
decisions for the adult patient conforming as closely as |
possible to what the patient would have done or intended |
under the circumstances, taking into account evidence that |
includes, but is not limited to, the patient's personal, |
philosophical, religious and moral beliefs and ethical |
values relative to the purpose of life, sickness, medical |
procedures, suffering, and death. Where possible, the |
surrogate shall determine how the patient would have |
weighed the burdens and benefits of initiating or |
continuing life-sustaining treatment against the burdens |
and benefits of that treatment. In the event an unrevoked |
advance directive, such as a living will, a declaration |
for mental health treatment, or a power of attorney for |
health care, is no longer valid due to a technical |
deficiency or is not applicable to the patient's |
condition, that document may be used as evidence of a |
patient's wishes. The absence of a living will, |
declaration for mental health treatment, or power of |
attorney for health care shall not give rise to any |
presumption as to the patient's preferences regarding the |
initiation or continuation of life-sustaining procedures. |
If the adult patient's wishes are unknown and remain |
unknown after reasonable efforts to discern them or if the |
patient is a minor, the decision shall be made on the basis |
of the patient's best interests as determined by the |
surrogate decision maker. In determining the patient's |
best interests, the surrogate shall weigh the burdens on |
and benefits to the patient of initiating or continuing |
life-sustaining treatment against the burdens and benefits |
of that treatment and shall take into account any other |
information, including the views of family and friends, |
that the surrogate decision maker believes the patient |
would have considered if able to act for herself or |
himself. |
(2) Decisions whether to forgo life-sustaining |
treatment on behalf of a minor or an adult patient who |
lacks decisional capacity, but without any surrogate |
decision maker or guardian being available determined |
after reasonable inquiry by the health care provider, may |
be made by a court appointed guardian. A court appointed |
guardian shall be treated as a surrogate for the purposes |
of this Act. |
(b-5) Decisions concerning medical treatment on behalf of |
a patient without decisional capacity are lawful, without |
resort to the courts or legal process, if the patient does not |
have a qualifying condition and if decisions are made in |
accordance with one of the following paragraphs in this |
subsection and otherwise meet the requirements of this Act: |
(1) Decisions concerning medical treatment on behalf |
of a minor or adult patient who lacks decisional capacity |
may be made by a surrogate decision maker or makers in |
consultation with the attending physician, in the order of |
priority provided in Section 25 with the exception that |
decisions to forgo life-sustaining treatment may be made |
only when a patient has a qualifying condition. A |
surrogate decision maker shall make decisions for the |
patient conforming as closely as possible to what the |
patient would have done or intended under the |
circumstances, taking into account evidence that includes, |
but is not limited to, the patient's personal, |
philosophical, religious, and moral beliefs and ethical |
values relative to the purpose of life, sickness, medical |
procedures, suffering, and death. In the event an |
unrevoked advance directive, such as a living will, a |
declaration for mental health treatment, or a power of |
attorney for health care, is no longer valid due to a |
technical deficiency or is not applicable to the patient's |
condition, that document may be used as evidence of a |
patient's wishes. The absence of a living will, |
declaration for mental health treatment, or power of |
attorney for health care shall not give rise to any |
presumption as to the patient's preferences regarding any |
process. If the adult patient's wishes are unknown and |
remain unknown after reasonable efforts to discern them or |
if the patient is a minor, the decision shall be made on |
the basis of the patient's best interests as determined by |
the surrogate decision maker. In determining the patient's |
best interests, the surrogate shall weigh the burdens on |
and benefits to the patient of the treatment against the |
burdens and benefits of that treatment and shall take into |
account any other information, including the views of |
family and friends, that the surrogate decision maker |
believes the patient would have considered if able to act |
for herself or himself. |
(2) Decisions concerning medical treatment on behalf |
of a minor or adult patient who lacks decisional capacity, |
but without any surrogate decision maker or guardian being |
available as determined after reasonable inquiry by the |
health care provider, may be made by a court appointed |
guardian. A court appointed guardian shall be treated as a |
surrogate for the purposes of this Act. |
(c) For the purposes of this Act, a patient or surrogate |
decision maker is presumed to have decisional capacity in the |
absence of actual notice to the contrary without regard to |
advanced age. With respect to a patient, a diagnosis of mental |
illness or an intellectual disability, of itself, is not a bar |
to a determination of decisional capacity. A determination |
that an adult patient lacks decisional capacity shall be made |
by the attending physician to a reasonable degree of medical |
certainty. The determination shall be in writing in the |
patient's medical record and shall set forth the attending |
physician's opinion regarding the cause, nature, and duration |
of the patient's lack of decisional capacity. Before |
implementation of a decision by a surrogate decision maker to |
forgo life-sustaining treatment, at least one other qualified |
health care practitioner physician must concur in the |
determination that an adult patient lacks decisional capacity. |
The concurring determination shall be made in writing in the |
patient's medical record after personal examination of the |
patient. The attending physician shall inform the patient that |
it has been determined that the patient lacks decisional |
capacity and that a surrogate decision maker will be making |
life-sustaining treatment decisions on behalf of the patient. |
Moreover, the patient shall be informed of the identity of the |
surrogate decision maker and any decisions made by that |
surrogate. If the person identified as the surrogate decision |
maker is not a court appointed guardian and the patient |
objects to the statutory surrogate decision maker or any |
decision made by that surrogate decision maker, then the |
provisions of this Act shall not apply. |
(d) A surrogate decision maker acting on behalf of the |
patient shall express decisions to forgo life-sustaining |
treatment to the attending physician and one adult witness who |
is at least 18 years of age. This decision and the substance of |
any known discussion before making the decision shall be |
documented by the attending physician in the patient's medical |
record and signed by the witness. |
(e) The existence of a qualifying condition shall be |
documented in writing in the patient's medical record by the |
attending physician and shall include its cause and nature, if |
known. The written concurrence of another qualified health |
care practitioner physician is also required. |
(f) Once the provisions of this Act are complied with, the |
attending physician shall thereafter promptly implement the |
decision to forgo life-sustaining treatment on behalf of the |
patient unless he or she believes that the surrogate decision |
maker is not acting in accordance with his or her |
responsibilities under this Act, or is unable to do so for |
reasons of conscience or other personal views or beliefs. |
(g) In the event of a patient's death as determined by a |
physician, all life-sustaining treatment and other medical |
care is to be terminated, unless the patient is an organ donor, |
in which case appropriate organ donation treatment may be |
applied or continued temporarily. |
(h) A surrogate decision maker may execute a POLST |
portable medical orders form to forgo life-sustaining |
treatment consistent with this Section. |
(Source: P.A. 97-227, eff. 1-1-12.) |
(755 ILCS 40/65) |
Sec. 65. Department of Public Health Uniform POLST form. |
(a) An individual of sound mind and having reached the age |
of majority or having obtained the status of an emancipated |
person pursuant to the Emancipation of Minors Act may execute |
a document (consistent with the Department of Public Health |
Uniform POLST form described in Section 2310-600 of the |
Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law of the Civil |
Administrative Code of Illinois) directing that resuscitating |
efforts shall not be implemented. This individual may also |
revoke the document at will. Such a document may also be |
executed by a qualified an attending health care practitioner. |
If more than one practitioner shares that responsibility for |
the treatment and care of an individual , any of the qualified |
attending health care practitioners may act under this |
Section. Notwithstanding the existence of a do-not-resuscitate |
(DNR) order or Department of Public Health Uniform POLST form, |
appropriate organ donation treatment may be applied or |
continued temporarily in the event of the patient's death, in |
accordance with subsection (g) of Section 20 of this Act, if |
the patient is an organ donor. |
(a-5) Execution of a Department of Public Health Uniform |
POLST form is voluntary; no person can be required to execute |
the either form. Execution of a POLST form shall not be a |
requirement for admission to any facility or a precondition to |
the provision of services by any provider of health care |
services. A person who has executed a Department of Public |
Health Uniform POLST form should review the form annually and |
when the person's condition changes. |
(b) Consent to a Department of Public Health Uniform POLST |
form may be obtained from the individual, or from another |
person at the individual's direction, or from the individual's |
legal guardian, agent under a power of attorney for health |
care, or surrogate decision maker , and witnessed by one |
individual 18 years of age or older, who attests that the |
individual, other person, guardian, agent, or surrogate (1) |
has had an opportunity to read the form; and (2) has signed the |
form or acknowledged his or her signature or mark on the form |
in the witness's presence . |
(b-5) As used in this Section : , |
"attending health care practitioner" means an individual |
who (1) is an Illinois licensed physician, advanced practice |
registered nurse, physician assistant, or licensed resident |
after completion of one year in a program; (2) is selected by |
or assigned to the patient; and (3) has primary responsibility |
for treatment and care of the patient. |
"POLST" means practitioner orders for life-sustaining |
treatments. |
"POLST portable medical orders form" means a medical |
orders form, including, but not limited to, a Medical Orders |
for Scope of Treatment (MOST), Medical Orders for Life |
Sustaining Treatment (MOLST), Physician Orders for Scope of |
Treatment (POST), or Physician Orders for Life Sustaining |
Treatment (POLST) form, that is formally authorized by a state |
or territory within the United States. |
(c) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to affect |
the ability of an individual to include instructions in an |
advance directive, such as a power of attorney for health |
care. The uniform form may, but need not, be in the form |
adopted by the Department of Public Health pursuant to Section |
2310-600 of the Department of Public Health Powers and Duties |
Law (20 ILCS 2310/2310-600). Except as otherwise provided by |
law, emergency medical service personnel, a health care |
provider, or a health care facility shall comply with a |
Department of Public Health Uniform POLST form, National POLST |
form, another state's POLST portable medical orders form, or |
an out-of-hospital Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order sanctioned |
by a state in the United States that: (i) has been executed by |
an adult; and (ii) is apparent and immediately available. |
(d) A health care professional or health care provider may |
presume, in the absence of knowledge to the contrary, that a |
completed Department of Public Health Uniform POLST form , |
National POLST form, another state's POLST portable medical |
orders form, or an out-of-hospital Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) |
order sanctioned by a state in the United States executed by an |
adult , or a copy of that form or a previous version of the |
uniform form, is valid. A health care professional or health |
care provider, or an employee of a health care professional or |
health care provider, who in good faith complies with a |
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or life-sustaining |
treatment order, Department of Public Health Uniform POLST |
form, or a previous version of the uniform form made in |
accordance with this Act is not, as a result of that |
compliance, subject to any criminal or civil liability, except |
for willful and wanton misconduct, and may not be found to have |
committed an act of unprofessional conduct. |
(d-5) Before voiding or revoking a Department of Public |
Health Uniform POLST form, National POLST form, or another |
state's POLST portable medical orders form executed by the |
individual, that individual's legally authorized surrogate |
decision maker shall first: (1) engage in consultation with a |
qualified health care practitioner; (2) consult the patient's |
advance directive, if available; and (3) make a good faith |
effort to act consistently, at all times, with the patient's |
known wishes, using substituted judgment as the standard. If |
the patient's wishes are unknown and remain unknown after |
reasonable efforts to discern them, the decision shall be made |
on the basis of the patient's best interests as determined by |
the surrogate decision maker. A qualified health care |
practitioner shall document the reasons for this action in the |
patient's medical record. This process does not apply to an |
individual wanting to revoke his or her own POLST form. |
(e) Nothing in this Section or this amendatory Act of the |
94th General Assembly or this amendatory Act of the 98th |
General Assembly shall be construed to affect the ability of a |
physician or other practitioner to make a do-not-resuscitate |
order. |
(Source: P.A. 99-319, eff. 1-1-16; 100-513, eff. 1-1-18 .)